Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on July 10, 2008
"I wanted to write this in iambic pentameter, but the word "blueberries" is a dactyl, and I just couldn't make that into an iamb without changing it to blueb'ries. :)"
My friend Bobby and I climbed a mountain today,From the base to the summit we hiked all the way.
As I stood there and stared, from that high flat plateau,
I could see all the mountains that I've come to know.
There was Streaked, Chocorua, and...Singepole, perhaps,
And the Presidents' mountains that peeked through the gaps.
"Will you look at the view," I exclaimed with delight,
But my friend, he was gone; he was nowhere in sight.
So I turned and I looked and I searched high and low
'Til I found him bowed down, with his face all aglow.
With a grin he declared, "You won't guess what I've found -
Take a look at the blueberry field all around!"
Well, I've never observed such a fine berry field
As the one that this mountain's plateau had concealed!
There was less green than blue; every bush was replete,
And the berries were plump, quite ripe and so sweet.
So we stood at the peak and we picked for awhile,
Then we sat on the rocks and we ate a huge pile.
Oh, we laughed as we ate, and our lips turned quite blue
As we stuffed ourselves silly and gazed at the view.
Now, a mountain with berries has quite an appeal,
And I know that you're hoping to join in the meal,
So you want me to tell you the mountain we climbed,
But your hope for some berries, it's very ill-timed;
You see, Bobby and I, once our feast had begun,
Well, we just couldn't stop, and we ate every one!
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