Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Love Poems
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Love Poems

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on November 16, 2008
"This started from thinking about "You say toMAYto, I say toMAHto."
I know, it's really quite silly."
I know, it's really quite silly."
I say "Hi," you say "Hello,"I say "Stop," you say "Go."
I say "Black," you say "White,"
I say "Dark," you say "Light."
I say "Wait," you say "Now,"
I ask "Why?" you ask "How?"
I say "Quiet," you say "Loud,"
I say "Humble," you say "Proud."
I say "Spaghetti," you say "Lasagna,"
I say "Today," you say "Mañana."
I say, "I know we are different as night is from day,
But I hope that you'll hear the words that I say:
For all of our diff'rence, on this we agree
I deeply love you, and you deeply love me.
It is only the fools who continue to wait,
In hopes of discov'ring that one perfect mate,
So throw caution away, and consent now to be,
My one and true love, my own bride to be!"
And now that my speech at last is quite through...
You pause for a moment, and then you say, "Eww."
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