Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on April 15, 2008
"I was talking with Laura recently about anapestic and iambic poetry, and made the comment that I find anapestic easier to write than iambic.
So, I decided I ought to practice my iambic pentameter a bit. :)"
So, I decided I ought to practice my iambic pentameter a bit. :)"
Faked Moon Landing
Some people say that man has made the tripFrom earth to moon by swiftest rocket ship
But I'm quite sure that this could not be so -
And if you want, I'll tell you how I know.
I've seen the films that NASA always plays
Of dusty scenes on lunar summer days,
And astronauts in glinting, shiny suits -
From globe-shaped hats to silver, heavy boots.
I've watched them jump and skip and leap with ease;
They made those ten foot jumps look like a breeze.
But could they really jump to such great height?
It must be so - it's there in black and white...
Unless of course that scene was all a sham
With men on wires to perpetrate the scam.
But how could one be sure, without a doubt?
It wasn't hard for me to figure out.
I looked upon the sky one lovely night,
And realized that those films could not be right:
No matter all the tales that men invent,
The moon's no bigger than a single cent.
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