Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by
Douglas on May 28, 2008
Iambic Prose
I thought that I would write a piece of prose completely in iambic beat; at first this seemed a daunting task, yet now I see it's not so hard. The rhythm of iambic prose is common as the beating of my heart, and when I write in such a way, I feel as though my prose just sings
ba-Dum ba-Dum ba-Dum! So now I need to find a melody to match the rhythm of my words, then I could put this piece to song. Though clearly that would be a waste of time; whatever anyone might think about this paragraph, one thing is absolutely sure: A tune and rhythm's not enough to make a song; you also need a meaning, or at least a bit of humor. Clearly, then, my grand iambic paragraph is lacking, as it has no point, nor does it make me laugh, and that's just lack of planning on my part.
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