Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Kindle
Inspiration (A Brief Interlude)
Art, in all its many forms, touches us. Changes us. Inspires us and lifts us up to higher planes of thought. Gives us hope.The novelist, the actor, the painter, the pianist, the sculptor, the poet, the playwright, the songwriter - they are all touched by the Pierides, the Sisterhood of the Muses. The gift of genius, poured out on those blessed few, is not a gift to be lightly received, and few who receive it ever understand the magnificent gift - and the terrible burden - which has been squarely placed upon their shoulders.
The true genius does not live for himself, but for his craft, for his Muse, and for the betterment of a society which may never truly appreciate what it has been given. Sometimes these desperate souls need help discovering, accepting, and realizing the divine potential which is buried deep within them, crying out to be released into the world.
Sometimes, they need to be kindled.
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