Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Love Poems
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Love Poems
Love Triangle
HoraceMy darling, we are meant to be together;
Oh, can't you feel the chemistry between us?
For you alone could make my life complete,
That's clear to everyone who's ever seen us.
Oh, Horace, I am glad to hear you say
That I could ever make you feel complete,
But I, alas, I do not feel that way
Although, of course, I think you're very sweet.
I understand, my love, your hesitation,
I'll never measure up; I simply can't.
But you, you're like the air I breathe,
And I, alas! I'm insignificant.
Don't weep, dear Horace; you've much to be admired,
For there's a sweetness in simplicity,
And though you'll never make me feel complete,
I feel a certain electricity.
My darling, we are meant to be together;
Oh, can't you feel the chemistry between us?
For you alone could make my life complete,
That's clear to everyone who's ever seen us.
Oh dear! There's two of you! How could it be?
And now, confused, my brain begins to spin;
Whoever would have thought that I could love
Two indistinguishable twins?
Horace and Harrison
Oh, can't you feel the love, Ophelia?
And don't you feel this powerful attraction?
Don't stand aloof and stare at us like that;
Impatiently we wait for your reaction.
We'll make a splash like there has never been,
When hydrogen combines with oxygen!
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