Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on June 8, 2008
"I confess - this is quite pointless. :)"
Nothing Begins With C
Here I sit on a Sunday morning, in my comfortable office chair in front of my computer, thinking to myself, What shall I choose as the topic for my 'Letter C' writing prompt? As I think this, I take another sip of my coffee. Ah, coffee! I'd never wake up thoroughly if it weren't for coffee, with just the right amount of flavored creamer in it! Once I get another cup of that caffeinated beverage into my system, I'll be better able to concentrate!But anyway...what shall I write about? I glance at the clock. Already three minutes have gone by, and I still haven't chosen a topic. Come on, Doug - Think! When I'm having a case of writer's block I wish there really was such as a thing as a "thinking cap," but alas, I'm stuck with what my feeble cerebrum can devise on its own.
Maybe I need to change my mood music. Listening to music can be a very cathartic experience, but right now I'm listening to the Clarinet Concerto by Aaron Copeland, which tends to put me right back to sleep. Probably Golliwog's Cakewalk by Claude Debussy would do a better job of keeping me awake. At least it's better than any of Archangelo Corelli's Concerti Grossi - the mellow cellos and repetitive chords in those compositions always cause me to doze off.
As I look around my room, trying to find things that begin with that delightful letter C, my eye is caught by a trinket I bought in Chubut, Argentina. It's a musical instrument called a charango. It has ten strings, and the body of it is made from a hairy armadillo shell. Hmm...no...Argentina, strings, hairy, armadillo...none of those start with the letter C.
My fifteen minutes are almost up now, and I still haven't thought of anything that begins with the letter C. I take one last look around the room, trying to get an idea; there's nothing here but clutter all over the carpet.
Oh well, I guess I'd better go get cleaned up and ready for church - hopefully I'll do better with next week's writing prompt. I wonder if I can think of anything - or anyone - that starts with the letter D?
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