Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 2, 2008
"I started working on this sonnet while I was a guest speaker at a family retreat this past weekend. Being a single man at a "Family Retreat" is a strange social situation, and I feel more an outsider there than anywhere else I go.
Quatrain #1: The Knock
Quatrain #2: The Curtains
Quatrain #3: The Invitation
Couplet: Tables Turned"
Quatrain #1: The Knock
Quatrain #2: The Curtains
Quatrain #3: The Invitation
Couplet: Tables Turned"
Repeatedly I knock upon your door;The dry and hollow echoes sound within.
I listen for your footfalls on the floor,
But echoes fade to silence once again.
Yet I can see the flurried movement here,
As curtains flutter at the window pane -
That tiny glance that comes, then disappears:
Suspicious eyes protecting your domain.
I promise you, my friend, I mean no harm;
With open arms I stand outside your door.
There is no cause to fear, or for alarm,
So could we not establish sweet rapport?
But if you keep yourself confined inside,
Perhaps, in truth, you are the one outside.
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