Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I'm a procrastinator. Just ask my dad, who was also my high school Physics teacher. It used to drive him nuts to watch me wait until the very last minute to do all my homework problems from each unit."Douglas," he would call up the stairs, the day before the unit test, "have you done your homework problems yet?"
"Not yet, dad," I would holler back. "As soon as I finish reading this mystery novel."
The sound I heard - or at least I imagined I heard - coming up from downstairs was the sound of his teeth grinding in irritation at my lazy procrastination.
So, I'm a procrastinator. I always was, and I still am. Just ask my brother, who is one of the bigwigs in the Maine Association of Math Leagues, which hired me to do some software development for them.
"Brian," I said, "Could you do me a favor?"
"What's that?"
"Give me a deadline when you need that new bit of software. Because if I don't have a deadline, I'll never get it finished."
He didn't grind his teeth, but I'm pretty sure his eyes rolled a bit.
Yes, I'm a procrastinator. And that brings me to my New Year's Resolution. No longer will I be a procrastinator. Everything will be done, not just on time, but well before the deadline. Imagine how stress-free my life will be once I stop putting things off until the last minute!
Fortunately, it's not January 1st yet, so I'm going snowshoeing now.
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