Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Quality Control
Buzz buzz buzz buzz...Digital alarm clocks are funny things. Most of them don't run in military time (twenty-four hour), but in twelve-hour time. Of course, even though they don't read in military time, they have to understand military time, because they need to know the difference between A.M. and P.M. You'll know your clock is set to the correct time if the little red "A.M." indicator light turns on between midnight and noon.
You'd be surprised, though, at the number of times manufacturers have built alarm clocks that don't handle the A.M./P.M. times correctly. You never notice it until you set the alarm for 6:30 A.M. and it fails to wake you up in the morning, but goes off at 6:30 P.M. instead. Very irritating.
That's why my job in Digital Alarm Clock Quality Control is necessary.
Well, I'm going back to bed now. Let's see if this clock wakes me up again in twelve hours...
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