Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on April 19, 2008
"Experimenting with different forms - this one is an Elizabethan Sonnet.
The first quatrain introduces Spring
The second describes the death of Winter
The third compares spring to a lovely garment
The couplet describes Spring's effect on us."
The first quatrain introduces Spring
The second describes the death of Winter
The third compares spring to a lovely garment
The couplet describes Spring's effect on us."
Springtime Sonnet
When Spring does lift at last her timid eyeAbove the gray bespattered banks of snow
And loosens then her breath across the sky,
To spread her gentle warmth on all below,
Then crafty Winter's dismal magic breaks,
As ice floes crack upon the flooding stream
And spin in helpless rage toward open lakes
That lift aquatic kind from Winter's dream.
The weft of springtime's fragrant lilac air,
Against the warp of blossomed tree and blade
Brings forth the boar and sow from winter's lair,
Beguiled by woven robes of verdant shade.
So we, in nature's wake, emerge renewed,
With newborn hope and pure delight imbued.
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