Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on April 27, 2008
"I thought I'd try a villanelle - not a form I've ever used before. It's the form of Dylan Thomas' Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
It's a different sort of structure, because your first and last lines of the first stanza get used over and over."
It's a different sort of structure, because your first and last lines of the first stanza get used over and over."
Springtime Villanelle
Though winter's mournful dirge wails overlongAccompanied by north wind's hissing whine,
Lift high the springtime's resurrection song.
Abandon dark despair, for days grow long
And sunlight brings new warmth as night declines,
Though winter's mournful dirge wails overlong.
Let fingers tap, and dancing feet grow strong,
And hopes arise in graceful descant line,
Lift high the springtime's resurrection song.
Green sentinels of summer, buried long
Escape their prison, in defiant line,
Though winter's mournful dirge wails overlong.
Sing long and loud, with this triumphant throng
Of reborn trees and blossoms on the vine;
Lift high the springtime's resurrection song.
Rejoice as Easter lilies lift their fronds
Recalling hope of life to every mind;
Though winter's mournful dirge wails overlong,
Lift high the springtime's resurrection song.
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