Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Lake Passagassawakeag
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Lake Passagassawakeag

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on August 14, 2008
"This post is a riddle. I left this posted for a week without the solution, so people would have a chance to try to figure it out. One person solved it, and said, "It's the kind of riddle that, when you finally get it, you pretty much know for sure that you got the right answer."
Try solving it first, then scroll down in the comments to find out the real solution!
Clue: Even though this was written at Lake Passagassawakeag, the solution really has nothing to do with lakes!"
Try solving it first, then scroll down in the comments to find out the real solution!
Clue: Even though this was written at Lake Passagassawakeag, the solution really has nothing to do with lakes!"
Steadfast Mutes
As steadfast mutes, we utter not a sound,Yet in our silence speak the words of God;
With steady stance we lightly touch the ground,
My twin and I, like peas that share a pod.
And though I seem to be the same as him,
Some diff'rences the watchful will divine;
His face, though lovely to be sure, is dim,
When placed beside the brilliant cheer of mine.
Though I'm the lesser one - I must admit -
I say with kind and brotherly affection,
He is my perfect mirrored opposite,
A haunting, strange, ephemeral reflection.
I wonder, can you solve the mystery
Of who or what my twin and I might be?
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