Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on August 22, 2008
"My friend Nate and I hiked Mount Cutler today, and we were the two types of people in the story."
The Blueberry Test
There are two kinds of people in the world.The first is the kind that, upon reaching the summit of a mountain and discovering an acre of untouched blueberry bushes with plump, ripe blueberries that are sweeter than pure sugar, immediately drops to his knees and begins ripping blueberries from the bushes and stuffing them by the handful into his mouth.
The second is the kind that, in the same set of circumstances, pulls out a Tupperware container and begins stowing blueberries for use later at home - in pies, in pancakes, or in a bowl of Cheerios.
It is easy to tell the difference between these two types of people. The second is the kind that, on the way down the mountain, has a heavier load in his pack than when he climbed up the mountain. The first type is easily recognizable by the splashes of blue around his lips and the streak of blue spittle dripping down his chin.
Psychologists will tell you that the Blueberry Test is a perfect way of recognizing important character qualities such as self-control and delayed gratification. They will tell you that, in the long run, the second type will do better in society; he will perform well in school, make friends more easily, score well on tests, get better jobs, raise healthy families, maintain good mental health...
Yeah, but, you just don't understand...those blueberries were really good...
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