Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on July 8, 2008
"This is the third time this year that going hiking has given me an idea for a story/poem. Today I hiked East Royce Mountain."
The Brave Knight Battles on Mount Gloom
The brave young knight stepped forth from his manor and breathed deeply of the fresh, summer air. "Forsooth," he said, "Today shalt be a day most wondrous for defeating the evil monster that abideth on Mount Gloom."With a fond farewell and a kiss for the lady of the manor, the brave young knight set out, dressed in all the accoutrement of his high status and carrying his broadsword at his waist. All morning he traveled the countryside, thinking of the great battle that awaited him, trembling just a little at the thought of the monstrous beast he would soon confront.
The truth is, though the young knight was brave, he was not fearless. The old tales often speak of fearless knights, but a fearless knight is a stupid knight. True bravery is to recognize your fear, and act courageously in spite of that fear. So the brave young knight, though he trembled, did not turn back from his task.
All along his route, peasants paused in their field labors to stand by the side of the road and call out words of blessing and encouragement. They knew where the brave young knight was going, and their prayers went with him. One pretty young girl even threw a flower in his direction. The knight caught the bright rose and, with a kind smile, pressed it against his bosom. With a nod of his head and a brief wave, he continued on his way.
The creature had terrorized the countryside for far too long. It was a terrible, hideous reptilian creature that spewed sulfur from its nostrils and flames from its mouth. The people who lived in the shadow of Mount Gloom also lived in the shadow of fear; at any moment the vicious creature might swoop down and scorch their crops or, even worse, demolish their homes with its fiery breath.
The knight pressed forward and began the steep ascent of Mount Gloom. It was easy to understand how the gloomy slope had earned its name; the foliage overhead was so thick it formed a canopy that blocked out the sunlight, filling the path with shadows that seemed appropriate for dusk rather than midmorning. As the knight climbed, his fear increased, but with it his determination increased as well. Soon he could hear the rumbling snort of the creature's sleeping exhalations.
With a carelessly placed footstep he broke loose a heavy rock that tumbled end over end down the trail with a loud clatter. The rumbling snort turned then to a sharp intake of breath, and the knight knew that the battle was inescapable.
With a roar the beast came forth from his lair, eyes flashing with anger, and sulfur billowing from his nostrils. The brave knight drew his sword.
Through the morning the brave young knight fought the fierce creature. It was a tremendous battle, and the shrieks and screams of that great fight were heard all across the countryside, even as far away as the knight's ancestral manor. There were forward thrusts and clever dodges, hasty retreats and advantages pressed. Shrubs were flattened by the heavy footfalls of the monster, or cut short by the mighty swings of the brave knight's sword. Treetops were broken and scorched, the earth was torn apart as the battle raged up and down the dismal face of Mount Gloom.
Finally, when the knight's strength had nearly failed, the monster leaned in for the killing blow, but in that critical moment the brave knight raised his sword high above his head and gave one last flailing swipe. The creature reared back to avoid the blow, and lost its balance, slipping sideways on a moss-covered rock. Head over tail the monster tumbled down the steep mountain slope, bouncing off boulders and broken tree trunks, and landed with a loud crash, unconscious, at the base of the mountain.
The brave knight followed the beast down the trail of scorched and flattened trees. He raised his sword for one last blow, planning to sever the beast's head. Then, in that moment, he had another thought: Mayhaps I couldst bring this fearsome beast home alive, and what great celebration and joy would accompany my triumphant arrival at the manor!
Then he thought of the lady of the manor, and the delight with which she would exclaim, "Oh, my brave and valiant knight, thou hast brought hope and peace to all the countryside with thy courageous battle! Verily shalt all the bards and poets sing for generations to come of thy brave deeds! See the magnificent trophy of thy courage - the living beast that would truly have killed a less noble knight!"
Alas, true life rarely imitates the fairy tales of ages past, for what the lady of the manor really said was, "Bobby! Get that hideous, dirty toad off my sofa!"
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