Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains
Wilderness Survival Class
"Doug, thanks for taking me hiking with you," Bobby said as we were making our way down from the summit of Old Speck."Oh, well, I was glad to have you along. Besides, it's all in keeping with the wilderness survival class I took this year."
Bobby was puzzled, I could tell. "You took a wilderness survival class?"
"Of course. And one of the first rules we learned for survival in the wilderness is this: Always bring along a friend who is smaller than you."
"Nuh uh. There's no such rule." He paused. "Is there?"
"Sure," I explained. "They're easier to subdue and tie to a tree, to keep the bear occupied while you run away."
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