Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 30, 2008
"When I started working on this, I expected it would be a bit longer, but after writing four lines, I realized I had fully (and fairly succinctly) described the image I wanted to convey, and there wasn't much point in making it longer.
I wrote this while hiking Redington Mountain today - an overcast day in the fall.
And now my comments are longer than the poem itself."
I wrote this while hiking Redington Mountain today - an overcast day in the fall.
And now my comments are longer than the poem itself."
World on Fire
The world's ablaze with crimson flamesThat wildly lick at charcoal grays,
Consuming greens to fiery hues
Beneath a roiling, smoldering haze.
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