Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains
Hawk III
They say that nothing in this life is sure,That all things good and bad must surely end,
That nothing clung to in this world's secure,
And mystery lies in wait around the bend.
But let me tell you, friend, what I have seen:
This life's a blend of beauty and of fear;
You've seen it all whene'er you've stood between
The weathered rocky ledge and open air,
And watched the silhouetted hawks against
The back-lit sky, swim doggedly along
The tossing wind, unfettered and unfenced;
With laughing shrieks declaring freedom's song.
And those who choose, with them, to leap and sing
Will find themselves borne up on faith's strong wing.
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