Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 16, 2010
"My longstanding friendship and partnership with Laura has blossomed into something more than friendship, and this is a Christmas song which her presence in my life inspired..."
Heaven's Goodbye
I know how the time seems to fly when you're near,How the hours fly by like the minutes and seconds
And you know how my heart dreads the time when you leave,
How I hate those goodbyes and the silence they bring
And I wonder how heaven could say its goodbyes,
How the angels could sing with joy into that night;
Did the stars pause their twinkling and darken the sky,
When our Season's Greeting was heaven's goodbye?
So herein is love, not that we have loved Him,
But that Heaven, for love, said goodbye to the Son,
And the Word became flesh, and the Word dwelt with us,
For the joy set before Him endured the cross
And I wonder how heaven could say its goodbyes,
How the angels could sing with joy into that night;
Did the stars pause their twinkling and darken the sky,
When our Season's Greeting was heaven's goodbye?
Yes, our Season's Greeting was heaven's goodbye.
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