Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
uzed 2 be peple wud rite leters 2 each oter n they wud uze papper n pensil n fancy curcive riting that wud tak along tim to rite, n they wud uze al the rite werds n spel them rite n everthin.nowadaze peple dont hav tim to spend on nise neet riting lik that. they say "brb" insted of "be rite bak", and "lol" insted of "laf out lowd", and "imho" insted of "in my humbl oppinon"
and insted of saing "i wuz jus kidin" they jus uze a smily face.
nobodies worryed abote spelin n gramer anymor. were jus obsolet.
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