Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on May 22, 2010
"Almost an Elizabethan sonnet, except instead of being ABAB rhyme for each quatrain, it's ABCB, so it's half as many rhymes."
Prince of Peace
Oh, You who held the little ones withinThe shelter of your ever loving arms,
Who spoke the words of blessing in their ears
And prayed the Father guard them from all harms;
Oh, You who slept in peace while pounding waves
About your little ship did heave and toss,
Commanded wind and waves with firm decree
And safely brought your frightened twelve across;
Oh, You who wept, compassionate, for those
Who lived unmindful in Jerusalem,
While all about your enemies did plot
To have you brought to trial and then condemned;
Oh, Gentle Lamb! Oh, Mighty Prince of Peace!
Please grant that all my troubled fears might cease!
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