Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on June 14, 2010
"At first glance, it looks as though I have a repeated refrain, but the refrain is slightly different each time it appears, so don't just skip over it the second and third times! "
Rejoice! Rejoice!
The Man of Sorrows, Prince of Grief and Pain,The Lamb who was for sinners cruelly slain,
Who bore the anguish our transgressions bring,
Shall one day reign in joy as Laughter's King.
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
Let all of heaven's sweetest voices sing!
For tears are gone, and memory of pain
Makes sweeter still th'eternal, bright refrain:
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
So dawn begins, True Light that humbly shone
Now takes fore'er His bright, exalted throne,
And sunlight dims before unclouded gleam,
That flows forever in unbroken stream.
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
Let all of heaven's sweetest voices sing!
With darkness gone, the memory of fear
Makes sweeter still the song upon the ear:
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
At last the king who ruled this broken world
Into the outer darkness has been hurled,
And Death himself has shed his spectral shawl,
His harvest scythe and grim, decaying pall.
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
Let all of heaven's sweetest voices sing!
For death has died, and sin has been cast down
And naught remains this sweet refrain to drown:
Rejoice! Rejoice! the Lord our God is King!
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