Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Lake Passagassawakeag
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Lake Passagassawakeag
Storm on the Lake
Beneath the high and airy ceiling ofGod's vast and grand unsteepled dwelling place,
The rain, like whispering, praying supplicants,
Lifts up its pleas too private to be voiced -
Undifferentiated wash of sound
That sibilates upon the water's face.
Then deep and booming comes the preacher's voice,
The sudden, thunderous crack of judgment's storm,
That peals above the quiet congregants
Who shroud themselves in fear like helpless worms
While fearsome streaks of jagged flame appear
And call them to repentance and reform.
But hark! Now listen as the rumbling ends,
And leaves begin to rustle on the vine;
The supplicants, no longer bound by fear
With susurrating tread approach the shrine
Where love and cruelty collide, and there
Partake of mercy's bread and grace's wine.
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