Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The Kindest Master
I have never felt so loved in my life. Ever since I found a new owner, life has been grand. Never has a master been so kind to a pet as my master is to me. He slaves away hour after hour, week after week, to provide for my needs and comforts.No dog, no cat, no gerbil or bird has ever had a master so generous; my master doesn't feed me table scraps or processed pet food. Oh, no! He provides me with the most delicious, freshest foods I ever could imagine.
He never asks anything of me. No tricks must be performed - no begging, no playing dead or shaking hands. He doesn't even expect me to sit and let him rub my belly or any of that other foolishness. He never puts me on a leash or in a cage, but lets me roam about the property, as free as any animal.
Oh, yes, I love my master! In fact, here he comes now, ready to do some more gardening for me. And what's that he's got in his hand? Looks like a spray gun...maybe some sugar water for me to drink? Oh, yes! I can't wait!
Ah! What are you doing, master? Ah! Ah! It's...it's...insecticide! Nooo....
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