Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 14, 2011
"A villanelle is a very specific poetry form, which you can read about here: Villanelles."
Christmas Villanelle
When bells resound from every steepled hallAnd frantic throngs of shoppers pause their rush,
The song of peace on earth rings out to all.
Oh! let our hearts be still, and fear forestall,
And hear the song that rises o'er the hush,
When bells resound from every steepled hall.
Call out! You bells, and every soul enthrall
With lovely ringing lines both sweet and lush;
The song of peace on earth rings out to all.
Though winter's breath is chill, and snowstorms squall
And curbs are dark and cold with icy slush,
The bells resound from every steepled hall.
Yet o'er the song there comes a deeper call,
For God Himself speaks in the nighttime hush -
His song of peace on earth rings out to all.
And oh! That heav'nly peace would break the walls
Of greed and hate by which our souls are crushed!
For bells announce from every steepled hall:
The Prince of Peace, the Babe, has come for all.
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