Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on July 8, 2012
"Don't take this too seriously."
A Poem about My Favorite Poem
Oh, there's one verse that stands over all of the rest,It's the cream of the crop and the best of the best;
It has meter and rhyme and the rest of that stuff,
And profoundest of meaning that's more than just fluff.
It makes mourners less glum and the grief-stricken smile,
Even corpses will sit up and laugh for awhile,
There'll be peace on the earth, and an end to all wars
As the soldiers throw all of their guns on the floors.
Oh, the teachers will vow to give no more exams,
And the fiercest of lions will frolic with lambs;
Yes, they'll lay down together like sweet little kittens
Because of this fine little poem I've written.
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