Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on August 27, 2012
"A few words of explanation:
"Trochaic" poetry alternates accented and unaccented syllables, starting with accented. (Longfellow's "SHOULD you / ASK me / WHENCE these / STOries?")
"Amphibrachic" poetry consists of an accented syllable surrounded by two unaccented syllables. (Limericks often use amphibrachic meter: "There ONCE was / a MAN from / nanTUCKet")"
"Trochaic" poetry alternates accented and unaccented syllables, starting with accented. (Longfellow's "SHOULD you / ASK me / WHENCE these / STOries?")
"Amphibrachic" poetry consists of an accented syllable surrounded by two unaccented syllables. (Limericks often use amphibrachic meter: "There ONCE was / a MAN from / nanTUCKet")"
Amphibrachic and Trochaic
Poetic rules, they form a strange mosaic,Built, I'm sure, by some poetic hack;
Bizarrely, "amphibrachic" is trochaic,
But "trochaic" is an amphibrach.
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