Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Dizzying Changes
If you had asked me for my most significant life event in 2010, I would have said, "That's the year Laura and I started dating."If you had asked me for my most significant life event in 2011, I would have said, "That's the year we got married."
If you had asked me for my most significant life event in 2012, I would have said, "That's the year our little boy was born."
What was 2013? Toby's first crawl. His first solid food. His first walk. His first "Mama" and "Dada." His first birthday.
It was a year of dizzying changes.
Now that I think about it, I'm kind of glad I didn't have a significant life event of my own in 2013; all my brain capacity is used up trying to remember Toby's events.
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