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This site used to have quite a few puzzles that, after you were finished, would tell you what the average rating was for that day. It's been gone for a while. It doesn't seem like it's in the Pro Version either. I wouldn't mind paying for it, but without, A. not knowing if it's there, and B. Not being able to contact anyone on the site, I hesitate to give money towards it.
Hi debnair, when the site was redesigned, we collected together all the games which had per-game ranking information and tried to standardize the way we display ranking. This was complicated because the games were all built piecemeal over the years without any "common" way of doing things. Some based rankings on time elapsed, some on number of clicks and/or rows, some based it on a score.

What we finally decided on as a way of standardizing this was to convert each of the rankings - however they might have been calculated - into a blue, red, or green ribbon. Green means average, red means above average, and blue means way above average. The meaning of the ribbons varies depending on the game, and you can find details here:

If there are puzzles that don't have achievement ribbons, that previously had some sort of per-game rating, please let me know.

Another member has suggested that we offer more detailed ranking data as a Pro Member feature, and that's on our list of things we're considering for future development, but we're not there yet, so it'll be a while. Can I suggest that, if you're a "daily" player, you make a habit of checking the home page of the site at least once per week to see if we have any new news items on the site? Whenever we're working on changes to the site, we post notices everywhere asking people to try out the new features/versions, but the news page is the one place you can guarantee getting the most up-to-date info about changes we're making!

Thank you so much for responding so quickly and completely! I really appreciate it!

I thought that there was a rating system for the Word Funnel game...maybe I'm mistaken. I am a "daily" spurts. I might play every day for a month and then not have time to stop back for a couple of weeks. And I have the page bookmarked to go right to the puzzles and not the home page. But I'll keep an eye on that occasionally!

Thanks again!

Based on what I see in the database, it looks like we started collecting game play data for Word Funnel in order to create per-game ratings, but it doesn't look like we've collected enough data to start doing that yet.

However, the fact that we've started collecting the data suggests that at some point in the future we'll be able to add achievement ribbons for that game.
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