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We've got a new game that we're testing on the site - right now it's hidden at the bottom of the "Math Games" page, so you'll have to scroll way down to find it. It's called "Express This" It's similar to both "One to Ten" and "Operations Game" in that you have to use particular digits to create a target number.

What makes this one significantly different is:

1. You don't have to use all the numbers you're given.
2. You can use numbers multiple times.

So if you're given the digits 3,4, and 7, and a target number of 2624, you could give this as a solution:

4^3(34 + 7)

This game will also (eventually) show up on the "Dailies" page. Unlike all the other dailies, this one keeps track of who has the best score for the day, and you can try the puzzle multiple times to get a better score.
Are the backspace and arrow keys supposed to do anything?
Yes...what browser are you using?
can you try again? I think it's fixed...
Edited by Douglas, Jan 04, 2016
Works! Plus, I can access yesterday's solution, which I couldn't before. Thanks.
Make 1479 from 1,5, and 8: 1479 = 185*8-1

Beautiful solution AlexanderBeetle!
And ditto to GeoffCleasby - I have no idea how you can get 7111 from those digits in a seven character solution - looking forward to seeing your solution tomorrow!
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