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Based on an inquiry from a teacher who wanted to use his own vocabulary lists in the interactive games, we're adding this feature to the Virtual Classroom.

Currently, hangman is the only game that is enabled to work with vocabulary lists, but we'll be adding other games over the coming days and weeks.

Browse to Printables/WordGames, pick a word list, and then, instead of selecting Jumble, Word Search, or Cross Search, choose "Interactive Hangman." The Control Panel will create a new assignment based on that word list.

This is a brand new feature, and it's not fully documented yet, so here are a couple tidbits to get you started:

If the word list has 10 words, and you choose 10 as the success count, the student will be required to play each word. If you choose a number less than 10, the student may not see all the words. If you choose a number greater than 10, the student will do all the words, and then have a random selection from the dictionary to round out the assignment.

Hangman does not make use of any clue words in the Word List. 

Also, when playing in Word List mode, Hangman ignores the "word length" setup parameter.

Edited by Douglas, Aug 27, 2015
Definitely a nice feature. However...

There doesn't appear to be any way to set up an assignment for your students with a word list which you haven't yet made public.
Also, for what it's worth, I think it would be better to prevent the assignment from having more words than there are in the list.

Or, at the very least, have a text item somewhere that shows how many words there are.
MrH - correct on all counts. Those issues will get fixed soon. Thank you!
Would it make sense to have the assignment name default to a combination of the activity name and the word list?

For example: "Hangman - Solar System Vocabulary"
Yes. That makes sense. It will be added to the queue of things to do.
The following games are available for word list play:

Word Flash
MultiWord Scramble
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