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Category results for 'comics-and-graphic-novels'.

I found Quiet Girl in a Noisy World to be a very relatable book. There were quite a few pages here I absolutely could have written (if I had this kind of artistic talent, that is). This is the perfect book of comics for an introvert, and would especially appeal to introverts who struggle (or have struggled) with shyness and social anxiety too. 

There is a loose narrative here that follows the author through finishing college, getting married, and getting (and leaving) a job, but it doesn't have to be read in chronological order to be enjoyed. I wasn't intending to rip right through this, but I found myself losing track of how much I was reading, because it's an easy read, and each vignette of introvert life made me want the next one.

I liked the "battery indicator" that showed up sometimes as a visual for how social activity can exhaust introverts. Other topics include: self-doubt and overthinking, love of books, love of solitude, and coming to terms with being who you are. And the artwork was beautiful too.

I also loved the comics that showed how she and her extroverted husband balance each other out -- it's a lovely visual about appreciating different people's strengths and weaknesses.

(Thanks to NetGalley for the review copy)

Scrounged From: NetGalley

Format: Kindle
Author/Illustrator: Debbie Tung
Pages: 184
Content Advisory: None

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