Problem Solving for Your Classroom
Written by teachers, designed for your students
Written by teachers, designed for your students
Yesterday's Popular Games
Match color, font, and letter in this strategy game
Trap all the dots in this problem-solving puzzle
Mastermind variation, with words
Create words on the letter wheels
Reveal the picture by finding the word
Rearrange the matches to fix the math problem
Blogs on This Site
Our Games at Portland Proof
Recent Lesson Plans
The following is a list of some of the lesson plans which teachers have recently added to the site.Mathematicians are Lazy, War Card Game - Modified for Subtraction Practice, An Equation is not a Process, The Death of Santa Claus, Guitar-Pick Friction Lab, Fun Christmas Math Problems, Students Inventing Theorems, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Physics, Assumptions about Diagrams, Elephant Gun Launch, Restructuring Definitions for Proofs, Planet Memory Foam, A Competitive Word Problem, Finding the Fun in Physics, Some, All, None and Logic, Rewriting the Substitution Property, Ten Million Problems, Squaring Binomials, Trigonometry Unit, Fractions - Making Simplification Simple, Nicknames for Factoring Rules, Derivatives of Products and Quotients, Proving the Quadratic Formula, Equation Based Factor Trees, Pineland - Friday on the Farm
Recent Pro Problems
The following is a list of some of the problems and puzzles which teachers have recently added to the site.Taxing Situation, Quadratic Triangle, Square of a Sum, Three Digit Number, Coffee Math, The Good Ole Days, Donut Division, Consecutive Sum, Angles in a Triangle, The Great Pumpkin, Arrival Time, One for the Ages, Guitar Pickin', Fruit Basket, Four Unknowns, Three Equations, Waiting for Christmas, Spiders and ants, All the Letters, Picking Apples, Complementary and Supplementary, Two Boxes, Coin Muddle, Borders, Triangular Numbers, Birds of a Feather
Ask Professor Puzzler
These are some of the recent blog posts from Professor PuzzlerSquares of Even Numbers; FInding Factors without a Calculator; Double-Dactyl Poetry Form; More about the Monty Hall Problem; Extraneous Solutions; Factoring Rules for Higher Degree Polynomials; Logistic Functions and Coronavirus; Word problems in a time of pandemic; Articles on; Report: Fake News Sites Are Good at This
Book Scrounger
These are some of the recent blog posts from the Book Scrounger's blogWhen Religion Hurts You; A B See; Anna Hibiscus; Paper Peek Colors; An Egg Is Quiet; Winter Sleep; Telling God's Story: Year 1; Count on Me; Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow; The Music in George's Head; In Search of Dinosaurs; Anne's Feelings; Bird Count; Patience, Miyuki; How to Be a Butterfly
Welcome to The Problem Site, a site fueled by a passion to provide interesting, informative, and valuable content to educators and students. We have an enormous collection of math problems, physics problems, brain teasers, and puzzles written by educators. We also have a fine collection of educational games. These games aren't all fancy graphics and silliness; the focus is on the educational value for students, so those who play our games will get the most puzzling, problem solving, and learning, in a compact time frame. Our games include word games, math games, strategy games, and even a handful of games specifically designed for young children. And if all that isn't enough, we also have printable mazes, worksheets, and vocabulary lists, and quizzes on a variety of subjects. The list of icons below will help you get started finding the resources you want.
English language educational games
Fun and educational games for math students
Games of strategy and skill for 1 or 2 players
Useful information and trivia on many subjects
Come back every day for brand new puzzles!
Play games on your phone or tablet.
Games suitable for younger children
Math problems and brainteasers
Print your own customizable worksheets
Give your students assignments from this site
Useful tools and worksheets for teachers and parents
Hire a math competition problem writer for your league.
Educational resources for holidays and seasons of the year
Lesson plans designed by teachers
Games and quizzes designed for art students
Did You Know...
The administrator of this site (AKA Professor Puzzler) is also a ventriloquist? You can see some of his work on youtube: Ventriloquist, teacher, song writer. Doug is also a math tutor and a music instructor.
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