Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by bookwormj on December 6, 2010
"Haha, this is kind of a spazzy story/essay thing...PS. Emmy is Naomi's nickname, not a different person! Sorry if that's confusing."
Christmas Shopping
"Well do you want to hear how crew went or what?" June demanded as soon as Naomi and I walked in the door of Hannigan's paper shoppe where we were all meeting for a night of wandering dowtown and hopefully fulfilling our lenghty christmas lists. "Hello to you too, June." Naomi said cheerly as she picked up a set of cards with butterflies on them. She flipped the box over and checked out the price tag; "$22, yikes!" She whispered and set them down again. "I'm booooored, lets go shopping." I whined "Hold your horses Soleil, I gotta get this stationary for Huny." June dropped the box down on the counter and rummaged through her enormous hobo bag for her money. "Who's Honey?" Naomi asked. "My grandmother, H-U-N-Y, Emmy you never listen to me! How long have I known you? 3 years?" June was getting steamed. But stopped her mini-rant when she still couldn't find her money. "Guys, I think I left my money in my other purse." June looked up at the cashier who was frowning. "Can you hold this for me?" She asked. "Sure." The cashier said curtly and had her write her name on a slip of paper and put the paper and stationary on the back counter. "Let us go forth unto MIDNIGHT MADNESS!" I exclaimed galavanting towards the door.Midnight Madness is an event that happens downtown every year in early December. Most of the stores are open until midnight. The farmers market pavilion has artisans selling christmas goods and there's free tea and cocoa in a lot of the stores.
"Hey, It's Santa!" I whispered and pointed at a chubby man with a red suit and white beard. "Lets take a picture with him!" I exclaimed pulling out my little orange camera and shoving June and Emmy togther next to him. "MERRY CHRISTMAS" They all shouted as the flash went off. "Great photo guys!" I popped my camera back into it's case and we continued down the street...
Christmas shopping lists can be a crazy mess if put in the wrong hands. But with June, Emmy & me on the case we got all our shopping done and had time to goof off drinking Chai Lattes in the local Cafe. I deffinatly love getting people presents and seeing their faces when they open them. But I'm a morning person, staying up late to go shopping's not really my thing. Maybe next year they should have a Sunrise Madness and I'll go again :)
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