Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Old Age
by lostcerebellum
The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on February 25, 2008
"I'd like to blame this problem on getting old, but it's been plaguing me at least since I was fifteen. Beyond that I can't remember."
How many times I’ve racked my brain for things I just can’t find.It’s like I’m missing pages from the volume of my mind.
The trouble is, as time goes on, it really starts to look
Like pages gone don’t matter much—I think I’ve lost the book!

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on March 14, 2008
"Not like I really believe that the length of our lives is based on luck, but you get the gist."
Threescore and Ten
We’re allotted three score years and ten, here to be.When by strength they’re extended, much pain we will see.
If we’re lucky, we get our ten years and three score.
If we’re not, we get less—or else twenty years more.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 7, 2008
"I haven’t seen any limericks on this site. Are they outlawed? I know some people hate them. But they do lend themselves to certain subject matter.
In this case the subject has to do with old age. You probably need some years under your belt to appreciate the thought behind this. If you’re as old as I am, and have tried to get some of those pill bottles open, and if you have ever observed the amazing capabilities of children in this field, then you know what I’m talking about.
In this case the subject has to do with old age. You probably need some years under your belt to appreciate the thought behind this. If you’re as old as I am, and have tried to get some of those pill bottles open, and if you have ever observed the amazing capabilities of children in this field, then you know what I’m talking about.
On “Child-proof Safety Caps”
As our bodies head over the hill,We pick up a whole bag of news ills,
And look for some kids
To open the lids
On our growing collection of pills.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 23, 2008
"This poem may mean nothing to most people, mainly because there probably aren't three people on the site who know what a 286 is, but, the way computer technology goes, I need to get it posted while there may still be someone who remembers Pentium processors.
Old Age and Modern Technology
This digital world fills a lot of great needsBut it really puts me in a fix,
With its Pentium chips and its gigahertz speeds,
While my mind’s still a 286.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 29, 2008
"If I had any comments, I can't remember what they were."
The Years Have Gone
The years have gone, the time has comeWhen I no longer can chew gum,
Or brush my teeth, or comb my hair.
(You can’t if they’re not even there.)
My muscles all have turned to fat.
My brain waves, seemingly, are flat.
So much I had has come and gone;
Yet still, somehow, I carry on.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 30, 2008
"Getting old has some advantages. "
Scanning a Blank Document
There are things about aging, I have to admit,That do really appear to be kind.
Take for instance, I don’t have to worry a bit
About anyone reading my mind.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on September 24, 2008
"At least I now have an excuse for doing wacky things."
Falling Apart at the Seams
The strand that holds my body’s life has started to unwind,And equally unraveled is the fabric of my mind.
So when the morning paper comes, my first move is, I fear,
To quickly scan the obit page, to see if I’m still here.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 3, 2010
"Appreciate your youth. It's a pain when you get old and your body and mind start to go. If you don't believe me, just ask me.
I suppose it could be worse. In the old days people only got the bad part, looking at things going downhill, but there was no retirement to look forward to."
I suppose it could be worse. In the old days people only got the bad part, looking at things going downhill, but there was no retirement to look forward to."
I grow old and I’m always in pain,And at times think I’m going insane.
Should I let out a cheer
‘Cause retirement is near,
Or despair for the years that remain?
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