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Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by BatteryAcid on September 19, 2008

Final Destination

Vacation? Completely overrated. You know what I'm talking about, though you don't want to admit it.

First there's the arguing about the destination.

"Oh, honey, where do you want to go this year?"

"I don't care, dear. As long as you're with me..."

And of course, you know, that's complete hogwash. But will you get a straight answer? No.

Then there are the airlines.

"Please make your way into to the back of the security corridor, where you will find a black, unmarked door. Behind that door you will be searched, and all sorts of indignities will be practiced upon you, all in the name of security. Thank you for flying with us, and have a nice day."

Then there are the kids.

"How much longer?"

"Are we there yet?"

"I've gotta go."

"Sarah's touching me."

"That's just because you gave me a wet willy."

"Nuh huh."

Then there's the actual arrival at the Final Destination. And, by the way, there's a reason there's a horror movie titled Final Destination. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about.

"Oh, honey, look at the water. It's brown!"

"I have to go potty in that? What is it?"

"Oh for heaven's sake! If we have to wait another hour and a half for a 15 second roller coaster ride, I want to go home right now!"

"Sir, could you come with me please? Your daughter just tried to pull Mickey Mouse's face off."

Finally, there is the return home. Fortunately, you don't have to be at work until Monday, so you've got a couple days to recover your waning life-force. Nothing to do but relax and...

"Daddy, Sarah's touching me."

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