Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by XxlillyxXIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Poems
I miss you
I'm looking for the light of my life,but my eyes are close because of the pain
You take away everything of me
only leaving sadness
You are the only one I need
The only one I ever want
The first day I saw you
I see the sun appear in the night of life
I'm walking alone in the rain
Crying into my Sorrows
Wishing you could be by my side
Cause my life without you
Is like a sky without stars.
I'll never forget the times we share
Because even when you are so far away
And that strong life of life a death pull us apart
You will always stay in my heart
I'm sorry for the moments I wasn't there for you
I was blind but now I can see you
I can't believe that I learn to love you
When you were gone.
I need you by my side
I feel your touch everytime the breeze touches my face
I hear your voice in the sound of silence
I see you in my sweetest dreams
I'm sorry...
I miss you and I need you
Since the day you left
There's no day in my life
No good and bad
Just sadness in my heart
I don't know how to continue
I don't have the streght to continue
I want to hold you in my arm
I miss your laugh
your hugs
your kisses
I miss you all.
I look myself into the mirror
and I see just a half
My other side is now away from me
And there would never be another
The first time is always magical
I can still remember when you told me
You love me and will never be apart
But then why I feel you so apart?
I though we were ment to be
but now I think I'll never know
I just want to be with you again
And to hold you one more time
I love you,
Even in death you are in my heart
Tears are present on my days
and laments on my nights
I can't forget you
don't matter how hard I try
you are my everything
and I really miss you
I turn my eyes to heaven
And I see your eyes in the sky
I only ask to be with you
Please let me be with you
Take me to heaven
And to your arms
I love you forever
(o.o.c time 17:54 .::Crying::.)
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