Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by XxlillyxXIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Poems
don't come back to me
..::Don't come back to me::..I’m sitting alone in my room,
your name is like a sorrow
Far away in my mind
The tears don’t stop falling,
because again your gone
Leaving me alone
I’m sitting here alone
with your picture in my hands
asking to myself what I did wrong
You say you won’t be late
another lie you didn’t have to say
because you are again with her
I know I should ran away
Just disappear from your sight
and never look back
Why is so hard to say goodbye?
Why I’m here if it hurts?
When I should be brave and go
You came back to me again
telling me everything is okay
when I know this is a mistake
Don’t tell me you love me
because you just hurt me
because I know you are lying.
I won’t be back again
this will be my great escape
you just made so many mistakes
You lose my heart you lose my love
you will regret letting me go
you will miss me and I’ll be gone
So don’t come back to me
because you are death to me
and there’s no space here
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