Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Michael K on February 19, 2008
"I'm afraid I fell prey to Rabbit Stu's "Wanna Peanut Syndrome" (No More Rhyming, and I Mean It!), but I think it's okay, because it's supposed to be kind of silly anyway. :)"
Poem about Something Mundane
I sit and I think, and I'm wracking my brain,To write about objects that are simply mundane.
I'd like to write poems that are full of emotion -
But it's tough to emote about a jar of skin lotion
I think that my poem should be filled with great hope,
But how do you get hope from a bar of hand soap?
And perhaps my poem should advise and equip,
But who ever gained wisdom from a bent paper clip?
My poem should be more than just rhythm and rhymes,
But I can't find any meaning in scattered nickels and dimes.
And my poem should provide cheer in the midst of the winter,
But I find nothing cheering about an old color printer.
And then I realized - and boy, was I surprised -
There's naught more mundane than this verse I devised!
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