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I made a maze of a division symbol, but when I tried to generate larger mazes of my division symbol, it just gave me a blank canvas. Did I do something wrong?
I'm not 100% sure, but my guess would be that you created the image under the small setting, so it wasn't available for larger resolutions? I'll play around with it and see if I can figure out. Thanks for trying the feature!
Also, my pro membership gets rid of ads on the side, but not the one just above Professor Puzzler.
I believe the ad issue should be resolved now - thanks! Please let me know if you're still seeing an ad there.
Okay, that's good. And I think I see the issue with the mazes. I need to modify the "base image" first if I'm drawing freehand. That should be documented somewhere I think.
Yes, the documentation on the pro side is definitely pretty sparse at the moment! Up until now, I've been the only one using those features, and I already know how they work, so I haven't had to document things. More documentation will be coming soon!

Thanks for taking the time to try out the new features.
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