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The changes that showed up recently made me think of a couple things that I'd like to have hidden from students, if it's possible.

1. On the new game there's a "Play this puzzle again" link, which is great...UNLESS I've assigned the student to do the game multiple times. In which case, they can solve it once, and then replay the same puzzle five times.

2. One of my students was confused by the "My Next Game" button that showed up yesterday. Nice feature, but confusing for a student doing an assignment.  Student assumed it was to get to their next assigned game.

Can you hide both of these things from students when they are doing an assignment?
Edited by allie, Jan 09, 2016
This all makes sense. Let's see what we can do about those things!
Can you verify that these now function as you described?
That looks about right to me!
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