Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by XxlillyxX on March 24, 2010
"A reflexion story, read it and learn what may happen "
a lie of sickness
Sara was a young girl, she was 14 years old, she was really happy because she was about to be in a trip in a Cruise without her parents. The day finally arrive, the day she turn 15 years old. She get into the Cruise shouting goodbye to her parents. Sara put all of her things in her room and went to the ship's deck.Sara began walking there, and it was then when she saw the most handsome boys she ever saw. His name was Justin, his hair was blonde and with blue eyes, white skin, work out body and tall.
Justin ask her: what's your name?
Sara answer: I'm Sara
Justin: Nice to meet you Sara, my name is Justin
At the end of the day, Sara went to her room to rest. The next day, when she woke up, Sara saw that under her door was a blue rose with a note on it that say: FOR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL MY EYES EVER SEEN, JUSTIN.
Sara sorprise by the present but at the same time really happy began shouting and jumping in her bedroom. When Sara went to the deck, Justin was there waiting for her, they spend all the day together until night, Justin accompany Sara to her room, and they parted with a kiss.
6 days passed, everymorning camila found a blue rose under her door with the same note. It was then when the last day arrive, Sara was really happy because she will dance the vals with Justin, the one that she would never see again.
When everything finish, Sara and Justing went to Sara's room, Sara sure about her love, give herself to Justin in body and soul. She gave to him her most important posesion, her virginity.
The next day she woke up, but she didn't found Justin, but there was a silver chest with blue roses carvedand a note that say: I SPEND A REALLY GOOD TIME YESTURDAY, PLEASE OPEN THIS CHEST WHEN YOU ARE AT HOME. JUSTIN.
When Sara arrive home she hug her parents and run to her room remembering him. She took the chest and opened it, when she saw her a tear fall to her cheek. In the chest was a black and dead rose and beside of it was a note that say: WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF AIDS
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