Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
A Terror Most Fearsome and Dire
Come sit for a spell in the light of the moon, in the stillness of night, near the crackle of fire; gather together, sit close and secure, and hear of a Terror most fearsome and dire. For creatures reside in these woods where we rest, that set even Jabberwock to hiding in shame, with claws for the tearing and jaws for the shredding, and wings for the lifting of a monstrous large frame.Breathing fire from its eyes and ice from its horns, dripping ooze and saliva from out of its jaw, seeking unwary traveler and sweet tender child, to break on the rock of its cruelly fanged maw. Never sleeping, never resting, forever alert, and guarding each track through the heart of the copse. It devours at a gulp fierce bear and swift hart, even sly crocodile with its wide toothy chops. Listening, watching, with hunger most desperate, for meaty young morsels that intrude on its lands, so hush little scouts, and swift to your tents; speak not a wo...
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