Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on October 30, 2008
"Okay, I know, this is silly. It's just what popped into my head at 5:50 A.M. What do you expect????"
But We Are Home
Friends and family, let us gather around the festive table and sing our gratitude. Let us make today a day of celebration like no other, for today is Thanksgiving Day. Today, after years of homeless wandering, we have found a place to call our own.True, the food here is repulsive. Such a foul tasting assortment of birds and beasts roasted over open fires, with none of own condiments to hide the atrocious flavor, and only by burning them to a crisp can we mask the slimy, vile texture of the native wildlife. But we are home.
True, the houses we've built here are nothing like the grand and majestic homes we had back in our old homes, and our building materials leave a great deal to be desired. But we are home.
True, the weather is miserable. Never before in our lives have we faced such a harsh climate, with temperatures so beastly high, and the air so horribly toxic. But we are home.
So let us gather around the festive table and sing our gratitude. Let us, in one of oldest, quaintest customs of our hosts, raise a glass and make a toast. To the humans, who sold us Antarctica after our home planet exploded.
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