Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Call Me Crazy!
Call me crazy (I know you want to!) but if I had to choose my favorite day of the week, it wouldn't be Friday, and it wouldn't be Saturday. Are you ready for the craziness? My favorite day of the week Monday!To understand this strange choice, you need to understand just a bit about me.
First, you need to understand that I'm self employed and I work at home. My days are spent building websites (like this one), writing math problems for competitions, and designing software. Except on those occasions when I have to go on-site somewhere to install, test, or deploy software I've written, I make my own schedule, and I love it.
Second, you need to understand that I'm an itinerant preacher; I travel around the state of Maine - and sometimes other states - preaching at churches, doing weekend retreats, summer camps, and rallies. For example, just a few weeks ago I drove from my home to Fort Kent, Maine (a drive that took about six hours) to speak at a weekend retreat for children, and then preach at a church in that area of the state.
Most people have no idea how utterly exhausting it is to preach a sermon. Try standing in front of a group of people for half-to-three-quarters of an hour, speaking about things you feel very passionate about, and you'll discover how much energy that takes!
Then, when I add on to that getting up early in order to drive to a church (many times a church I've never been to before so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to find it!), and then having to drive back home when the services are over, sometimes it's all I can do to stay awake for the drive home.
Did I mention that I'm self employed, and make my own schedule?
Yes, well, Monday is my day off.
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