Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 22, 2008
"True story. Originally, this was going to be an anapestic tetrameter blank verse (no rhymes) because I didn't think I could come up with good enough rhymes for "that" (since it comes up three times)
But after I got it written, I realized I'd put some rhymes in without realizing I was doing it, so I decided I'd better go back and make the rhymes consistent! :)"
But after I got it written, I realized I'd put some rhymes in without realizing I was doing it, so I decided I'd better go back and make the rhymes consistent! :)"
Could She Get Any Dumber Than That?
It was ten after five on a cold snowy eveWhen she zoomed out of Pine Street and started to weave;
Yes, her car spun out wildly and nearly went splat,
And I thought, "Could she get any dumber than that?"
As she sped on her way - after gaining control -
Well, she buzzed past the cop who was out on patrol,
And I noticed her headlights were black as a cat,
So I thought, "Could she get any dumber than that?"
How I wish I could tell you the answer is "No,"
That she'd sunk to the deepest of depths she could go,
But her cell phone was out for a nice highway chat,
And it just doesn't get any dumber than that.
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