Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on June 26, 2008
"Yesterday I did a hike up Streaked Mountain. As I stood at the summit, I was standing at the same altitude where several birds were soaring on the breeze, and I thought, If only I could just step off the ledge and join them in the air...wouldn't that be amazing?
Quatrain 1: The bird's freedom
Quatrain 2: Our captivity
Quatrain 3: Our attempts at freedom
Couplet: An unfulfilled dream"
Quatrain 1: The bird's freedom
Quatrain 2: Our captivity
Quatrain 3: Our attempts at freedom
Couplet: An unfulfilled dream"
How does it feel to soar so gracefully,With pinions strong that catch at every breeze,
Unfettered by the pull of gravity,
Ascending, tranquil, over lands and seas?
How does it feel to see us, mortal men,
Confined to valleys, meadows, pasture lands,
Imprisoned far below in dale and glen,
Like mournful sailors caught on earthly strands?
And do you ponder now, with mocking smile,
As we, with hunger for such graceful flight,
Take slow and plodding steps o'er upward miles
To taste your freedom here on mountain heights?
Oh! How I long to leave this rocky shelf,
And savor soaring freedom for myself!
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