Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 23, 2008
"Merry Christmas everyone! This is blank verse, except that I did a heroic couplet at the end."
Hope's Ugly Sister
Oh, celebrate, this day, eternal Hope,For Hope, by way of Bethlehem, appears:
A jeweled crown upon the infant brow
Of Him, the Prince, whose name is Truth and Peace.
But lovely Hope, she has a sister plain;
Grotesque, malformed, her name is Grief and Woe,
And she, as well, is perched upon that tiny head,
A thornéd crown of sorrow and of pain.
Yes, celebrate, this day, eternal Hope,
But do not think that she arrives alone;
Would we enjoy the Hope the season brings,
Without the fellowship of sufferings?
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