Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Love Poems
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Love Poems

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 10, 2008
"I don't know why I had the foolish idea to write a poem in which each line rhymed with all the other lines in the poem.
Just in case there's anyone who hasn't run into the word "vet" as a verb, it's a human resources term for checking a candidate's credentials (like a background check)"
Just in case there's anyone who hasn't run into the word "vet" as a verb, it's a human resources term for checking a candidate's credentials (like a background check)"
Jet Setter
I remember the day that I very first met her,That beautiful girl with the sweet Irish Setter.
My love was quite true, and there's none could be better;
I gave her some jewelry, attached a love letter.
For her canine I knitted a fine woolly sweater;
The dog was so pleased she allowed me to pet her!
But oh, how I wish I had foresight to vet her
Too late I discovered that she's a jet setter
With expensive desires that have made me a debtor,
So the cops hauled me off bound in cuff and in fetter.
The scene was embarrassing; how it upset her,
So she left me to rot, and I tried to forget her...
But a girl will get under your skin, if you let her;
Now I'll never get over that sweet Irish Setter.
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