Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Love Poems
by DouglasIf you're looking for that perfect poem to read to your true love as you sit on a moonlit beach, holding hands and contemplating the depths of your love for one another...
Look no further. I am happy to provide you with just the right romantic touch to the evening. She will swoon when she hears these heartfelt poems.
Or maybe kick sand in your face. I'm not really sure which.
Look no further. I am happy to provide you with just the right romantic touch to the evening. She will swoon when she hears these heartfelt poems.
Or maybe kick sand in your face. I'm not really sure which.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 11, 2008
"Well, Shakespeare wrote lots of love sonnets, so I thought maybe I should try my hand at it.
Anyone who wants to copy this down to share with your true love...
You're welcome to it. :)"
Anyone who wants to copy this down to share with your true love...
You're welcome to it. :)"
Love Sonnet
Not even springtime roses e'er could tellThis miracle of love beyond compare,
So I'll recount a tale I love so well,
A metaphor that shows the love we share.
Last week I took a trip for several days,
But left the coffee filter full of grounds,
On my return, what met my startled gaze
Was white and gruesome mold spread all around.
How strange that mold should thus succeed!
From nothing and from nowhere it arose.
And thus our love (astonishing in speed,
Miraculous in strength) so swiftly grows.
And now, on seeing mold and dank mildew,
I cannot help, my love, but think of you.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 16, 2008
"Again, feel free to share this with your true love. No charge. :)"
Love Sonnet II
To all my friends I speak with great elationOf all your bright and stunning loveliness,
Of beauty that's beyond imagination,
Of wondrous and delightful comeliness.
"Her eyes," I say, "are emeralds set in gold
That glint and twinkle lovely shades of green,
Her lips, like rubies, glorious to behold,
With perfect ivories glinting in between.
Her skin is soft, a sweet and pale complexion,
Translucently, with radiance it shines.
She is, my friends, without an imperfection,
I'm blessed to know this lovely girl is mine."
My friends, they nod, and then they all advise:
"Be grateful for such weak, myopic eyes!"

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 16, 2008
"You may need to change the name when you share this sonnet with your true love."
Eternal Love (Love Sonnet III)
My darling love and trusted faithful friend,Beloved Julie, apple of my eye,
Our love, it is eternal, without end,
It shall not fail, not even when we die.
My love for you shall follow to the grave,
And to the life that waits beyond this earth;
This love is true, determined, faithful, brave,
Transcending our demise and new rebirth.
And in some bright, eternal, golden plane,
Where faithful spirits pass through pearly gates,
Our hearts, entwined, will surely meet again,
Ordained forever by the blessed fates.
So this, my dear, is why I love you truly...
What's that you say? Your name is Sue? Not Julie?

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 16, 2008
"This is almost identical to Love Sonnet III (Eternal Love). I removed the names, and changed the concluding couplet.
The new couplet gives a vastly different meaning to the poem."
The new couplet gives a vastly different meaning to the poem."
Determined Love (Love Sonnet IV)
My darling love and trusted faithful friend,Beloved sweetheart, apple of my eye,
Our love, it is eternal, without end,
It shall not fail, not even when we die.
My love for you shall follow to the grave,
And to the life that waits beyond this earth;
This love is true, determined, faithful, brave,
Transcending our demise and new rebirth.
And in some bright, eternal, golden plane,
Where faithful spirits pass through pearly gates,
Our hearts, entwined, will surely meet again,
Ordained forever by the blessed fates.
Our love shall not be stopped by death's cruel border,
So what's the point of this restraining order?
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue
Roses are red,Violets are blue;
This poem's too short
To describe all the wonderful, amazing, spectacular, ineffable qualities of indescribable greatness that make me the perfect guy for you.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on September 19, 2008
"True story. Really. :)"
Love Came Knocking
When love came knocking at my door,And called my name with lovely song,
My trembling brow was drenched with sweat,
My heart was pounding like a gong.
My stomach filled with tortured knots
At every thought, my love, of you;
No, wait a bit, this can't be right...
I think it's just a touch of flu.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on October 4, 2008
"This is a response to Brett's Death Came To Call, which was a response to my Love Came Knocking. I thought it would be appropriate to combine the two ideas. :)"
Love Is as Strong as Death
"Love is as strong as death," we all should know,For this is what the Good Book clearly states.
Unyielding as the dismal grave below,
Which stubbornly each life eradicates.
I know these words, they must be right,
For Solomon the Wise, he was no fool.
But my true love is not as bad as that;
She's only strong and stubborn as a mule.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on November 16, 2008
"This started from thinking about "You say toMAYto, I say toMAHto."
I know, it's really quite silly."
I know, it's really quite silly."
I say "Hi," you say "Hello,"I say "Stop," you say "Go."
I say "Black," you say "White,"
I say "Dark," you say "Light."
I say "Wait," you say "Now,"
I ask "Why?" you ask "How?"
I say "Quiet," you say "Loud,"
I say "Humble," you say "Proud."
I say "Spaghetti," you say "Lasagna,"
I say "Today," you say "Mañana."
I say, "I know we are different as night is from day,
But I hope that you'll hear the words that I say:
For all of our diff'rence, on this we agree
I deeply love you, and you deeply love me.
It is only the fools who continue to wait,
In hopes of discov'ring that one perfect mate,
So throw caution away, and consent now to be,
My one and true love, my own bride to be!"
And now that my speech at last is quite through...
You pause for a moment, and then you say, "Eww."
Love Triangle
HoraceMy darling, we are meant to be together;
Oh, can't you feel the chemistry between us?
For you alone could make my life complete,
That's clear to everyone who's ever seen us.
Oh, Horace, I am glad to hear you say
That I could ever make you feel complete,
But I, alas, I do not feel that way
Although, of course, I think you're very sweet.
I understand, my love, your hesitation,
I'll never measure up; I simply can't.
But you, you're like the air I breathe,
And I, alas! I'm insignificant.
Don't weep, dear Horace; you've much to be admired,
For there's a sweetness in simplicity,
And though you'll never make me feel complete,
I feel a certain electricity.
My darling, we are meant to be together;
Oh, can't you feel the chemistry between us?
For you alone could make my life complete,
That's clear to everyone who's ever seen us.
Oh dear! There's two of you! How could it be?
And now, confused, my brain begins to spin;
Whoever would have thought that I could love
Two indistinguishable twins?
Horace and Harrison
Oh, can't you feel the love, Ophelia?
And don't you feel this powerful attraction?
Don't stand aloof and stare at us like that;
Impatiently we wait for your reaction.
We'll make a splash like there has never been,
When hydrogen combines with oxygen!

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on December 10, 2008
"I don't know why I had the foolish idea to write a poem in which each line rhymed with all the other lines in the poem.
Just in case there's anyone who hasn't run into the word "vet" as a verb, it's a human resources term for checking a candidate's credentials (like a background check)"
Just in case there's anyone who hasn't run into the word "vet" as a verb, it's a human resources term for checking a candidate's credentials (like a background check)"
Jet Setter
I remember the day that I very first met her,That beautiful girl with the sweet Irish Setter.
My love was quite true, and there's none could be better;
I gave her some jewelry, attached a love letter.
For her canine I knitted a fine woolly sweater;
The dog was so pleased she allowed me to pet her!
But oh, how I wish I had foresight to vet her
Too late I discovered that she's a jet setter
With expensive desires that have made me a debtor,
So the cops hauled me off bound in cuff and in fetter.
The scene was embarrassing; how it upset her,
So she left me to rot, and I tried to forget her...
But a girl will get under your skin, if you let her;
Now I'll never get over that sweet Irish Setter.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on November 11, 2009
"Iambic pentameter, ABAB quatrain followed by a couplet."
My Love Is Like a Churning Ocean Deep
My love is like a churning ocean deep,A raging, roiling, river vast and wide,
And I would climb a mountain tall and steep,
Would climb with unrelenting, stubborn stride,
To simply find myself all warm and snug
With you, my love, within my coffee mug.
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